The Girl Chewing Gum is an experimental video piece made by John Smith in 1976. The video seems to be his voice commanding over a busy London street, its perceived as if he is god like. You're given the impression that he knows everything before is going to happen, being lulled into a false sense of security. From looking the video closely, The camera locks onto an image of a clock showing the time as 1.10 and again, at the end of the video its shown as 1.15 which tells you that its only a narration.
It seems to the audience that the voice over is directing the random events that are occurring but as the film goes on the people starring in it aren't responding to the voice. Throughout, the voice seems to be the one that has the power over the scenes as it is telling the people what to do constantly and they seem to listen to everything that is being said as they follow the instructions. In some occasions, passers by glance at the camera as if to know that it was there watching their move. When you start watching the first 3 minutes of the film, you've given the impression that its just a busy street being filmed but as it progresses the feeling of the voice being god like becomes more evident. For example, towards the end of the film there is a man looking shifty as he is walking down the street. he frequently turns back and once, clocks onto the camera glancing down at it. The voice over starts to explain to you that he has just robbed a bank. after this, you realise that the alarm playing in the background throughout the whole film is that of the bank so that's when you know that is pre - recorded.
It seems to the audience that the voice over is directing the random events that are occurring but as the film goes on the people starring in it aren't responding to the voice. Throughout, the voice seems to be the one that has the power over the scenes as it is telling the people what to do constantly and they seem to listen to everything that is being said as they follow the instructions. In some occasions, passers by glance at the camera as if to know that it was there watching their move. When you start watching the first 3 minutes of the film, you've given the impression that its just a busy street being filmed but as it progresses the feeling of the voice being god like becomes more evident. For example, towards the end of the film there is a man looking shifty as he is walking down the street. he frequently turns back and once, clocks onto the camera glancing down at it. The voice over starts to explain to you that he has just robbed a bank. after this, you realise that the alarm playing in the background throughout the whole film is that of the bank so that's when you know that is pre - recorded.
Very good summary Jenifer, how do you feel this deception makes the audience feel about the concept of the work?