Thursday, 8 October 2009

Chapter 1

For this i will be discussing and looking at how past and currents artists pieces of work differ from each other. My first example is that of Koyaanisqatsi and a wall painted animation by MUTO. In both these pieces of artworks there are a few similarities but there are some differences. For example, the first difference would that the cost of production. In Koyaanisqatsi, you can tell that the cost to make the film was a lot of money because of the effects that are used in order to create the impression they want to get across. Whereas, in MUTO, the cost of production is quite low because it is an animation that would of taken a couple of days to make and create because of the quality of the piece compared to that of Koyaanisqatsi.

Another difference that is evident between two pieces past and present is that of John Smith, Girl chewing gum and the more recent Doll face by Andy Huang. Girl chewing gum was created in 1976 and the texture of the piece is complete contrast compared to Doll face. Doll face was created in 1986 and the concept and texture of this piece has clearly got a strong meaning to it in comparison with Girl chewing gum. Doll face is a representation of how the media portrays beauty and shows the price you can pay for following it. Girl chewing gum however, shows a day in a street where a man is voicing over every action of people walking by.

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