Monday 5 October 2009

Chapter 4

An exhibition space can create and compose all sorts of meanings in relation to the exhibition piece itself. The piece of art in particular i will be discussing is Robert Therrin's No title ( Table and 3 chairs). When you walk into the room at the Tate, the first thing you see is the piece of art itself. It does take up most of the room, which leaves little space to create any meaning when you do enter the room. However, if you were to place the table and and chairs in a field it would give a completely different feel compared with that of the exhibition room. In my opinion, If i were to see the table and chairs in the field it wouldn't look as large because the surrounding area around it is larger itself making the art piece look smaller when you take it into context. However, when you look at it inside the exhibition room its the art work takes up the whole room so it looks like to the art viewer which would change your opinion towards it, whereas, if it was in a large field it would be completely contrasting in relation to the meaning.

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